
მოკლე ინფო

CoinTracker enables seamless cryptocurrency portfolio tracking and tax compliance. As adoption of cryptocurrency continues to pick up, and more exchanges, wallets and DeFi products are built, CoinTracker will continue to deliver a foundational layer in the ecosystem for tracking and using cryptocurrency. Today our users track over $1B in crypto assets on CoinTracker. Our mission is to transition the world to an open financial system.

Our mission is to transition the world to a digitally-native financial system that’s frictionless, reliable, and accessible to everyone.

CoinTracker is a unified interface for cryptocurrency. It lets crypto holders connect their wallets and exchanges, see their portfolio, wallets, and transactions in one place, and generate their cryptocurrency tax returns with the click of a button.


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ხელფასი და უპირატესობები
Salary review every 6 months based on the work performance
კომპანიის კულტურა
Company trip once a year and Team building once a month
უნარების განვითარება
Well trained and dedicated to being able to catch the pace smoothly.
სამუშაო კმაყოფილება
Our office is located with creative, open workspaces and a high-quality engaging environment.


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